
Astral Escape

Created by Starr of

An enamel pin and patch collection for people who love the stars, cosmic wonders, and the future of space exploration.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 2 years ago – Wed, May 04, 2022 at 11:11:36 PM

Hello everyone! 

Thank you all once again for your patience with this campaign, I have never experienced delays like this with any project. First, here are the pins: 

Telescope Lens
Mars Set
The Void: Black and Gold
Transparent effect on Void pins
Exoplanet Cloudspotter
System Moons
Perseverance Parachute
Black Hole
Astrobees Set
Binary Stars

Astrobotany Enthusiast pins are still in production due to the the gradient print. 

Glow in the dark effects

Now, from the photos you may have noticed errors in the pins from production. The following pins have the following flaws:

The rest of the pins were up to standard with no design errors. My manufacturer will be remaking the pins with design errors, however this will add an additional delay. I will be sending Kickstarter messages to all backers with these pins in their pledges for their preferred solution. This leaves 33% of rewards which are all good and ready to go out, they will be shipped once locked addresses are closed. I will be locking addresses once this update is posted. If you are in the 66% with a flawed design pin in your order, and will be opting to wait on your order, please send address updates once your whole order is ready to ship.

I had trusted this manufacturer to have their same speed and quality I have received in the past, but it looks like too much was going on for them this time around. I am so grateful for everyone being so patient while we get these pins just right for you. 

Address locks and messages are going out now, thank you again!


Manufacturer Update!
over 2 years ago – Fri, Apr 01, 2022 at 08:26:14 PM

Hello everyone!

Thank you so much for your patience through these unexpected delays. I recently found out that pin production was further delayed due to my manufacturer's factory moving. I did not anticipate this and they only let me know last week. This lead to further delays on top of design and supply chain issues I mentioned in the last update. On the bright side, they have let me know almost all of the pins will be shipping to me this month, with two exceptions. The Void had required multiple 3D revisions, this design is now in production. The other design is the Astrobotany Enthusiast pin, as the gradient print required revision, this pin is also in production. Here are the photos I recently received from my manufacturer:

Exoplanet Cloudspotter pin manufacturer photo
Astrobiology Optimist pin manufacturer photo
Packaged and ready to ship astrobees
Packaged and ready to ship astrobees
Packaged and ready to ship Telescope Lens pins

Below are older pictures from the production process:

Little Perseverence Parachute pin blank
Mold of the System Moons pin

In hand I have received the patches!

I think they look really great with the colorchanges made!

I know the production has taken longer than anyone expected and I'm sorry I did not predict this level of delays at all. From supply chain issues, to design modifications and then my manufacturer moving these pins have taken much longer than anticipated. I am confident in my manufacturer's quality and attention to detail. I know the pins will be stunning in hand, and I'm really looking forward to getting your rewards out! The next update will be when pins ship to me, at which point I'll be locking address changes and listing UK backer's rewards on Etsy. 

Thank you again for bearing with me through this production roller-coaster!


Production Update & Patch Pictures!
over 2 years ago – Mon, Jan 24, 2022 at 09:19:39 PM

Hello everyone!

I wanted to give everyone an update about the production from this campaign as, unfortunately, my pin manufacturer has run into a delay. Two pins are delayed in production: The Void, and the Mars Set. The Void is due to the 3D for the design, I have worked closely with the manufacturer to ensure the frame is raised in the correct areas. However, this has taken multiple renders which has slowed production. The Mars Set was delayed due to scarcity of materials. A sample was made with a larger magnet but the bulk on the top pins was too great, so new molds are being made with the correct magnet size now that they are available. 

Currently, my manufacturer is on break for Lunar New Year, which will go through February 8th this year. They have assured me that once they are back they will do their best to get the pins through production and send me updated photos. I expect I will be able to send out photos that week, as they will no doubt be catching up on other projects at that time as well. 

Patches will be wrapping up production after the manufacturer makes some thread changes. Here is the previous round of photos I received from them:

Exoplanet Cloudspotter: Top red color will be lighter
Astrobiology Optimist: Completed Production
Astrobotany Enthusiast: 2 green areas color swap
Yellow Telescope Lens: Colors updated to be more saturated
Purple Telescope Lens: 2 color changes

There was an issue with the thread for the Blue Telescope Patch, and if the manufacturer is unable to resolve it I may have to offer alternatives for this specific colorway.
Due to all of the special effects in this campaign, when delays come up they can extend fulfillment quite a bit when new molds need to be made for multiple designs. Though it pushes fulfillment back, I would rather deliver a correct, quality product, over sending out something that would otherwise be rushed and below standard. I work closely with my manufacturer to ensure that every glitter color, 3D detail, transparent shade, and glow area are accurate to the proofs I send them. With these delays, I estimate fulfillment will take place in March, as I expect the patches and pins to all be in hand and graded by then. I appreciate your patience through this process, and hope you'll understand I prioritize the quality of the pins I send out above all else. 

Thank you all again so much for your support, I will be back next month with a status as well as pin photos!


almost 3 years ago – Sun, Dec 05, 2021 at 10:22:21 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Campaign complete! Next steps
almost 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 30, 2021 at 05:28:50 PM

The campaign has finished! Thank you everyone for your support of this project!

With a final total of just beyond $3400, I'll be self-funding the last few designs. This means all super stretch goals will be available as add-ons when you get your backerkit surveys. For those of you not familiar with backerkit, it is a third party Kickstarter fulfillment site which allows easy surveys and address updates. I will be posting an update when smoke test surveys go out, then the next when final surveys go out. Kickstarter funds typically take 2 weeks to deposit into my account, less errored pledges, at which point I will begin full production! As production goes on I will be posting updates here so you can see the entire process. UK backers will be receiving their surveys once pins and patches are shipped to me. Any backers outside of the UK will still get backerkit surveys as well as access to the backerkit add-ons and preorder store.

Thank you everyone once again, I hope you are having a fantastic day!
